A Poetry Celebration

Share your original poems or read your favorites. Be sure to join us!

April is National Poetry Month

Come, Enjoy It With Us!

In celebration, Evansville Arts Coalition (EAC) is hosting our Annual Poetry Night on Thursday, April 25 from 7-9 p.m.  The public is invited to attend this family-friendly event held at Evansville Art Center.

Let Imagination Take You Away!

Poetry, also known as verse, is a type of literature that uses sounds and images to express feelings and ideas. Poems can paint a picture in our minds and take us away in our imagination. They can also make us feel a certain way. Originally, poetry was recited to an audience.  There are many different types of poetry, and the earliest, called epic poems, date back thousands of years.

All Ages and Stages Welcome

At EAC’s Poetry Night, people are encouraged to read a favorite poem or two or just enjoy listening to others.  Poems may be original works by the reader, or can be favorite poems written by someone else.  Evansville Arts Coalition first hosted this event in celebration of National Poetry Month in 1996, making it the longest running literary event in West Central Minnesota.  There is no restriction on age or experience, some poets are published authors, some write for pleasure. Readers have been as young as six and as old as 99.

When you join us,  you may bring a treat to share at intermission if you like.  Beverages will be provided. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., readings begin at 7:00 p.m. This is a free event.  Donations to support Evansville Art Center gratefully accepted. 

Evansville Art Center is located at 111 Main Street, Evansville, Minnesota and is handicap accessible.


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